Applications are invited for Deputy Chair and Committee member positions at RDA Brisbane
Make a difference in Queensland's regions
Are you interested in leading / contributing to a Committee of motivated volunteers who will focus on driving economic development for Queensland’s regions?
Applications are invited for one Deputy Chair and 8 Committee member positions at Regional Development Australia (RDA) Brisbane Inc.
We are seeking highly motivated Brisbane-based leaders with vision, drive and experience who are knowledgeable about business and economic strengths and challenges. The goal is to drive economic development opportunities and investment that will create jobs in Queensland’s regions.
Your skills and networks will enable collaboration between business, industry and all levels of government, and help develop solutions for regional economic development.
Applicant Information Packs and application forms for these roles and other useful links can be found at rdabrisbane.org.au/committee-application.
Find out more about the RDA network at www.rda.gov.au/about
For any enquiries please contact the CEO Margaret Blade on 0419 751 846 or
Applications close at midnight on Monday 15 February 2021.