ASBAS Digital Solutions Qld: workshops and one-on-one consultations now available
RDA Brisbane is pleased to be delivering the Australian Small Business Advisory Services (ASBAS) Digital Solutions program throughout Queensland, with collaboration from the other Queensland RDAs, to assist small businesses become more digitally capable across four priority areas:
- Websites and online selling
- Social media and digital marketing
- Using small business software
- Online security and data privacy
One-on-one consultations can now be requested from our website by filling in a simple online enquiry form.
Join the hundreds of small business that are already reaping the rewards of enhanced digital capabilities:
“What amazing value and high-quality education on exactly what the public needs. I found so much relevant information and new things to help me with my business.” - Claudette
"I believe these programs provided by ASBAS Digital Solutions are invaluable for small business owners. The content is relevant to all business and delivered in a clear and concise way that makes taking action post-workshop achievable.” - Marie
“Of the three sessions we have attended, including 1-on-1 session, we found them to be relevant, helpful and inspiring. A great program and we hope it continues.” - Phillip & Anne
See more testimonials on our home page: asbas.rdabrisbane.org.au
We have an enthusiastic team of qualified Digital Business Advisors on board to deliver advice to small businesses on these priority subject areas. There are more than 150 workshops covering a wide range of topics scheduled across Queensland between now and June, with numerous councils/regions committing to co-hosting monthly workshops. Visit our website to browse the workshops on offer, which are grouped into RDA regions, or visit our ASBAS Facebook page.
All services are heavily subsidised by the Australian Government to minimise the cost to small businesses.
We encourage ASBAS participants to fill in the Queensland Government’s Digital Scorecard, an online assessment and benchmarking tool to help businesses gauge their digital capability to become more competitive.
For further information, please visit the RDA’s ASBAS website at asbas.rdabrisbane.org.au
RAPAD Small Business Digital Roadshow
RDA Brisbane will be representing Business Station and RDA’s delivery of the ASBAS Digital Solutions program on a Small Business Digital Roadshow of several towns in the Western Queensland Outback area.
The roadshow, which was to have been held 18-22 February, has been rescheduled to October due to uncertain road conditions following heavy rainfall to the north. The roadshow is intended to inform and inspire the region’s small business and broader population about the range of programs and services available and provide them with a pathway to progress their digital capabilities. Other agencies participating in the roadshow include AusIndustry, the Department of Employment, Small Business & Training and NBN Co. See the flyer here.