Australian Government’s Recommitment to RDA Brisbane
The Australian Government recognises and commends the important ongoing work of the Regional Development Australia Network (RDA) in driving economic development and growth across regional Australia.
Assistant Minister for Regional Development and Territories, the Hon Nola Marino MP, has announced the Australian Government’s recommitment to the RDA Network, including RDA Brisbane, under a new 4.5 year funding agreement and refreshed Charter.
“RDA Brisbane will continue to play an important role supporting the economic recovery of the regions as they emerge from COVID-19 and recent bushfire/drought crises. RDAs are a highly valued and respected network of volunteers and staff who drive economic development in our regions and provide critical intelligence back to the Australian Government about key issues impacting local communities’, Mrs Marino said.
The Network involves 52 RDAs across Australia, including the Indian Ocean Territories and Norfolk Island. RDAs work with all levels of government, business and community groups to support economic and workforce development, local procurement, strategic regional planning and to inform programs and infrastructure investments.
RDA Committees are made up of passionate and dedicated local leaders with a broad range of experience, including from local government, business, community and the not-for-profit sectors.
A refreshed RDA Charter will emphasise greater alignment across all levels of government and regional planning that identifies and advocates strategic long-term investment priorities.
RDA Brisbane has been providing important information back to Government on impacts to the region’s businesses and communities. This local intelligence continues to inform government policymaking, ensuring the issues specific to our region are on Government’s radar.
Australia’s regions are diverse, although they also face many similar challenges. RDAs network, share information, and collaborate across the country to develop innovations and solutions that can be adapted across the country.
The Government’s commitment to regions will be further enhanced by redirecting the role of capital city RDAs in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth to focus on working with regional RDAs in their state to identify and connect their regions with decentralisation and economic development opportunities coming out of the capital cities.
Regional Australia and RDA Committees will play an important role in revitalising Australia’s economy as we emerge from COVID-19. The new funding agreement and revised Charter will provide a strong basis for this work.
For more information on the RDA program please go to www.infrastructure.gov.au and www.rda.gov.au