Farewell to RDA Brisbane Chair Shane Fracchia
Shane Fracchia, who has led the RDA Brisbane Committee for the last three years ends his term as Chair at the end of December, deciding not to seek re-appointment to focus on the growth of his consulting firm.
At the last RDA Brisbane Committee meeting for the year and Shane’s last as Chair, he highlighted the many significant achievements and contributions that RDA Brisbane has made to assist the small business community and facilitate collaboration with and between the three levels of government.
He thanked the Committee for its contribution, the fellowship and the genuine commitment of its members to the economic development and prosperity of the Brisbane region.
In particular, he thanked CEO Margaret Blade and Deputy Chair Dr Patricia Rowe for their personal support during his term and their leadership of the organisation over many years.
A new Chair is expected to be announced by the newly appointed Minister for Regional Development, Territories and Local Government, Dr John McVeigh, in early 2018. Meanwhile, Dr Rowe will be Acting Chair from 1 January.