RDA Brisbane hosts SEQ Food Cluster meeting at TropAg2017
RDA Brisbane hosted the second meeting of SEQ Food Cluster and Network Managers on the final day of TropAg2017 (the International Tropical Agriculture Conference), held in Brisbane in late November.
The meeting enabled a very informative exchange and comprehensive update on the numerous activities and initiatives going on in food industry growth across the greater SEQ region.
Areas of duplication and opportunities for collaboration were identified for further followup. Bronwyn Venus from QAFFI gave an overview of the outcomes of the highly successful TropAg conference where 760 scientists gathered from around the world to discuss novel tropical agricultural technologies.
We were encouraged to find out more and connect industry members to these exciting new developments. The idea of a SEQ Food Council was raised and it was agreed to meet at least quarterly in the meantime for a general update and exchange.
The meeting was made possible with the kind support of the TropAg organisers. Attendees included the Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation (QAAFI) at the University of Queensland, managers and coordinators from FLA Toowoomba Darling Downs (Food Leaders Australia), FAN Sunshine Coast (Food & Agribusiness Network), Food Connect, Brisbane Marketing & Regional Flavours, the SEQ Council of Mayors and members of the SEQ Food Trail initiative.